Thursday 7 October 2010


Topic: Are children safe in this age of technology?

We decided to choose the topic of child safety on the internet as we feel it is a topic that is affecting more and more children as the age of technology develops. Children are having easier access to internet including social networking sites which exploits the vulnerability of children and is a problem that is growing out of control. The documentary will be an in-depth analysis into whether or not children are safe enough in this information age. The documentary would aim to answer the question “Are children safe in this age of technology?” It will highlight this problem or answer whether there is one, with facts statistics and interviews from people who it directly or indirectly affects, for instance children, parents, police officers child protection agencies. It will also look a solution or ways the internet can be monitored.
Key facts:

  • The growing number of children with access to the internet which is not monitored by Parents or Guardians.
  • The amount of people on social networking sites posing to be children/ paedophiles.
  • Legislation protecting children/adults on the internet.
  • Monitors in place on social networking sites like Facebook, Myspace etc.
The documentary will contain cut away shots of children on the internet social networking. establishing shots with children outside schools, internet cafes etc. Newspaper cut a way’s showing child vulnerability and paedophilia.
Adult looking at a child’s profile information on a social networking sites.

Possible Speakers Police Officer
Kid Shield
Member of Parliament
Child protection agencies
Representatives from a social networking sites ( facebook, twitter etc)

Group Roles
Emmanuel Olobio - Cameraman
Billy Camden - Director
Emma Jolly - Sound
Reiss Ramsay - Editor

Target Audience

We feel that the target audience age for our documentary is 16-45. The documentary will be soley aimed at this age catogory as it will be viewed mainly by teenagers and parents alike. The topic is broad which allows the target audince to cover a wide age range.
Parents are part of our target audiences because the documentary aims to be informative in explaining about their childs safety on the interent as the age of technology developes.

Above are two parents, sally aged 32 and paul 35. They have 3 children aged 1, 11 and 15. They are within our target audience as they fit within the age category. They also have two children that frequently use the internet and are not properly monitored whilst on social networking sites like facebook. The documentary will give them information on their children's safety in this age of technology. 

Pictured above is tanya aged 16 she is on the other spectrum of our target audince. She is quite shy, vulnerable and lacks confidence, she spends a lot of her time at home on the internet, social networking on sites like facebook and bebo. Her parents rarely monitor her access on the internet as they are unaware of the possible harms her daughter may face. The documentary will also be aimed at informing teenagers like tanya the possible dangers she faces on the internet.

Filming Equipment

In order to create a 5 minute documentary to a high standard,  the best filming quality needed to be achieved and that will not be possible without using the best equipment available to us. We used a variety equipment of high end equipment which will include a camera, tripod, pag light, microphone, shotgun mic and headphone. The camera we are using for our documentary is the Sony pd 60. This will be used for filming both cutaways and interviews. We chose this camera for its ease of use and functionality. The pd 60 is not only good for picture quality but is the best camera available for sound which is crucial for interviewing.     

To enable the camera to be sturdy whilst filming we used a standard issue Sony VCT R640 tripod. This will keep the camera sturdy as it has a spirit level also so it stays stright.

As we are creating a documentary it is important that our interviewees are heard by the audience. In order to capture the sound in the best possible way we use a tie clip microphone on our interviewees which connects to the Pd60. This microphone will run through the interviewees clothes and clip onto the collar so it is not seen by the audience.   

It is important for our production that whilst filming we use headphones. Headphones are important as we have to make sure the sound is being recorded as this is important whilst interviewing that the microphone is working properly.