Saturday 18 December 2010

Evaluation Question 2

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?The whole idea behind creating the ancillary tasks, was using a way of constructing cross media advertisement for our documentary. The ancillary tasks consisted of a radio trailer and a newspaper advertisement. We needed to ensure they were focused on the topic whilst also being engaging and fascinating overall creating an impulse to the audience to watch the documentary.
The original idea for my newspaper advertisement was to show the reader that children should be monitored more carefully and adults should see what there children are accessing. I planned to have a child on a computer with a parent behind covering her child
The mode of address is crucial within my poster. As you can see in the poster the man appearing out of the screen makes the girl seem vulnerable and unsafe which shows the relationship of the reader and the characters in the drawing. As our audience research showed primarily our target audience is parents usually between the ages of 25
My headline for the poster (fig 8) was the documentary name. Whilst basic, it created the right connotations to the reader as the word safety was highlighted in red meaning there was danger also with a question mark which shows the reader how the poster identifies uncertainties with child safety on the internet.
Cross media convergence is important for the promotion of any product in order for their target audience to be reached. A good example of this is Vivendi, they are a company with cross media subsidies enabling them to create promotion of their media products through many platforms. In this case the release of the popular video game call of duty released by Vivendi which shows cross media convergence can maximize the awareness of the media products release date or airing time. They advertise similarly through the main channels of media advertisement as our documentary has adopted like our ancillary task for the release of call of duty they advertised through radio trailers, posters and viral marketing groups.

My second ancillary task was to create a radio trailer for my documentary. I used music that had a euphoric and ominous tone which created a mystery surrounding the documentary topic through the radio trailer. Which has an impact on the listener.
Through our audience research we discovered that our target audience age was between 25 - 45 and predominantly parents. I used a voice over that would be suitable for the target audience of my radio trailer. I used a well spoken, upper class, older, individual who spoke in perfect English and pronunciation. This allows the listeners to be familiar with the speaker. There is a clear indication throughout the broadcasting industry that a well pronounced formal style of presenting gains more viewer interest and understanding than that of a less formal approach. I felt that this type of speaker would make the radio trailer seem concise and coherent therefore delivering the facts of the documentary whilst also being engaging to the audience.

To make sure my radio trailer was interesting and opinionated I used vox pops this made the radio trailer more creative. I included different phrases from members of public who were connected to the subject matter of child internet safety. This would display the different views and opinions related to the topic, thus creating different responses from the individuals. My radio trailer contains question and similarly to the newspaper advertisement making them think and question the issues raised therefore increasing there willingness to watch the documentary.


In conclusion to this, I feel the ancillary tasks aided my documentary as they created the promotion for our media product to our target audience. This being done through the cinematography and striking imagery of the newspaper advertisement and sound in the radio trailer both using different ways of engaging the audience and being informative of our documentary date and airing time.

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